1 1/2 C. Peanut Butter (cheep kind because it has more fat)
1 1/2 C. Lard or Suet ( I haven't found a source for true raw suet yet... still looking)
1 C. Flour ( I used buckwheat as I had WAY to much of it)
1 C. Cornmeal
1 C. Rolled Oats
We used 3 types of bird seed to add to this mixture, Thistle, Porch mix (bigger seeds like sunflower etc...) , and a Millet "finch" mix.
1 C. of each type of Seed mix
Then somehow a second cup of oats got added to the mixture somewhere, so our suet is a little crumbly. So above is the recipe we intended to make.
Ingredients not pictured are flour and cornmeal.
1. Melt lard and peanut butter together on LOW! Once they are fully melted and mixed you add flour, cornmeal, and oats. Mix well and take off the stove.
2. Add the seed mixes to the hot goup, Stir well, the flour has a tendency to clump.
3. Pour into a Baking Pan. We bought a disposable 12x8 because we weren't sure what this was going to do to our pans. I let mine sit out on the counter for about 15 minutes to let it cool before I stuck it into the refrigerator.
4. Let cool for a few hours. I forgot about mine until late in the evening, when I pulled it out of the fridge it had set up really nice and firm. I sliced it into 4" cubes that should fit into a standard suet feeder. If not we'll improvise. (or feed it to the chickens..)
So thats it. It wasn't difficult at all. I think it could be a money saver from the purchased suet cakes that are store purchased. If I could find a source for raw beef suet. If I do find that, it has to be processed so I'll have a post about that too.