30 November 2012

The Big Decision

Jake and I decided a few weeks ago that we are going to put our mini farm up for sale. The decision was a long one, we've been considering it from every angle but it's time. The one thing all topics like this boil down to is money. We can afford to live here, but we can't afford to live here and retire early. Myself being a full time domestic engineer (house/farm girl) I'm, I guess what you'd call retired. I don't bring in any income unless you count food and meat as income. Jake is the full time 9-5 er that keeps the bills paid and the roof over our head.

But our goals changed, because we've been given a heads up about layoffs that most people never receive. Jake's company has growing in size over the last 3 years by acquiring 2 other companies. With such growth come the inevitable lay offs. Jake was almost picked last spring but the current Boss fought to keep his position. We found all this out after the fact and it's been weighing on us, do we wait for the inevitable or take action?

Over the winter I'll be getting the house ready for sale. Doing things like cleaning, selling things on eBay, and dealing with different livestock issues that arise. I am sure this will be the first of many posts about the farm for sale.

24 November 2012

Thanksgiving Desert Pictures

I forgot to take pictures on our T-day, which was Friday for us. So this is the next morning damage. Pie and Champagne.

22 November 2012

Gluten Free or Whole Wheat Stuffing

Dual purpose recipe! How awesome is this? My stuffing recipe can be made with gluten free bread or regular whole wheat.

1 loaf of bread cubed, dried
1 stick of butter (1/2 cup melted)
1.5 Cups onion finely chopped
1.5 Cups celery finely chopped
1 quart (or less) chicken/rabbit or vegetable stock
1/4 - 1/2 tsp.salt
Start with 1/2 tsp. of the following, then add to taste.
poultry seasoning

Combine all of the ingredients in a large bowl, set in a cool place for 2-3 hours to allow the flavors to incorporate and the bread to soak up the stock and butter. After 2-3 hours check moisture level and add more stock accordingly, the stuffing should be like a soggy sponge but not dripping. Let sit another hour after adding more stock and seasonings. Check again, adjust stock and seasonings. Bake 320* oven for 2-2.5 hours uncovered. Stirring every 30 minutes. Taste along the way.

I uploaded a video walking through the steps so ya'll can see it visually.

Cheers and Happy Thanksgiving!!

20 November 2012

Frogs in the Garden

I'm not sure why but lately I seem to be finding a lot more frogs in the yard/garden. It's that time of year of course, the rain season but I usually don't see this many.

I photographed a rather large frog (for around here) in mid October, hiding in the worm bin. But this guy was right outside the back door, truth be told I almost stepped on him. I had him in my hand but he jumped onto the sleeve of my jacket and proceeded to nestle in for the long haul. I considered for a moment doing my morning farm chores with a ride along guest, but ruled it out on the grounds if he slipped I might step on him.

Cute little guy huh?

16 November 2012

Winter Growing Vegetables

The video has most of the information in it. But I took a few pictures that I'd like to share too.

Swiss Chard and root veggies in the back. Showing the agribon and the hoop frame bones below.

Here are the links to the agribon and the tufflite 6 mil plastic that I use.  I really like the agribon fabric, it serves for late season extender and also getting going earlier in the spring.