This morning however, we went into Spokane to harvest some local foods. First stop was Fresh Abundance. This little gem is new to the Spokane area and stocks TONS of local foods. I found a local grain distributor that I was otherwise unaware of thanks to Fresh Abundance. A local honey producer in Otis Orchards, and a Tofu maker in Newport! Local, Local, Local that is what we are working towards. To coin a phrase "localatarian" this is what Jacob and I are striving to become.
We next stopped off at Huckleberry's the long standing natural foods store. Granted they sell mostly organic products, but we are trying to take the petroleum out of our food. Organic bananas, however wonderful they look still come from Argentina! That is ALOT of gas just to get me some bananas. So we are learning to live with what is in season, which is cherries and shortly strawberries. This winter will definitely be a challenge for us, since not much is grown in this region. We'll have to rely on much of what California produces. We are lucky because we live so close to California. If I can't buy local I want to purchase bioregional, which will support not only my state but neighboring states.
Ok back to the topic on hand, Huckleberry's sells many things we use in bulk. Things like olive oil, braggs amino acids, sesame oil, even some bio-kleen products (which in fact is a cleaning product from Vancouver, WA). We found out that Huckleberry's has organic bulk peanuts, yeah for peanut butter!!
Next on our harvesting journey was the Spokane Farmers Market. We needed some salad fixings, and baby green onions. We scored some early green beans, and some sheep cheese from Lark Haven Farm they even had the BEST feta I've ever had! But being loaded with feta already I decided we shouldn't purchase any, after I finish off what's in the fridge I'll be getting some into my hot little hands.