The modest and very used little guy was being sold for $200, we offered $150 and she took it. The little guy needed new lights, a paint job and some love. All of which we were capable of doing for under $70. Which brings our total up to $220. Now this size and utility style of trailer (assembled) sells for upwards of $400 before tax. We got a steal!

After some careful planning we decided to go with a green or yellow coat of paint. To further our "green" efforts we opted for green in color, ( plus I couldn't find yellow. ) I purchased a rustoleum primer for heavily rusted metal and our chosen green color. I neglected to get a picture of the trailer in it's primed color. Which was a really ugly color of brown/red. Jacob said he was having flash backs of the color of our house BEFORE we painted it... yep green. Do you see a theme with us? I think so.

After the final coat of paint was on this little guy was looking sexy! We decided it was time to sand and stain the boards. But Gerry, a man Jacob works with, had some left over plywood that he was looking to get rid of. We gladly took it on, for one, this wood was not weathered and would hold a stain much better. We decided we would build bird houses out of the old trailer wood, because birds don't care and would much rather have there homes unstained! So cut the wood we did, and stain it too! Slapped them on to the metal and paused in awe, wow we do good work!
The final stage in this beauty was to add the electrical. Jacob decided on using LED lights because they consume less energy and therefor would tax the Prius's batteries less. It took him several hours to run the wiring. Being the perfectionist that he is many zip ties and adjusting was needed to get it just right. But then after some debacle with the car wiring, we were able to test out our trailer.

Working and looking great, the little beauty hauled it's first cubic yard of compost yesterday. It will be hauling more later this after noon as soon as the recycle center is open.
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