So Bee, as she has come to be known is broody. I laugh every time I go out to collect eggs from our one nest box. She has been revving up to it for the past few days now. I could collect the eggs and she would then leave the nest and behave like a normal chicken. But today that changed, apparently the "instinct" has set in and she is in it for the long haul. Not sure how long that is going to be but at least it is cause for humor. I have thought about contacting Lucky a farmer friend to see if he has any real fertilized eggs she can hatch, because none of her's will!
Bee almost gobbles at me every time I stick my hand under her to feel for eggs. She looks at me with those accusing eyes of her. How dare I steal her eggs! HA HA HA, it really is funny. Maybe tomorrow I will get a video of it so everyone can make fun of my sense of humor.

The other two hens dumb and dumber or really White Back and Burned Nose (come on all three are the same breed it's hard to tell them apart) aren't sure what to do with themselves. They get all the good stuff now, no fighting over the oatmeal or the scratch *insert evil laugh* Those two are running the joint now because the Queen Bee is out of action at the moment. There may be an uprising or a Monarchy change while Bee is occupied who knows!
We have matching chickens with names that are more desciption than names too - Flopsy (her comb flops over to the side), White chicken - the only White Leghorn left, etc. Our Ameracuna is the broody one - she squaks loudly when we take the eggs. I bet she'd make a good mama though!