Strawberry Fruit Leather
1.5 lb. strawberries ( I kinda guessed on this.... I don't know maybe 5 cups)
3 TBL. Honey
Dash of fruit fresh to help it "keep" longer
Pick off greens and wash strawberries. Place in a pot, mash with potato masher until pulpy. Cook on medium heat until it reaches about 160* or slightly bubbling, (just before a rolling boil) this is to kill any germs. Add the honey and mix well. Place in a food processor or a blender until liquid.

Line 2 baking trays with plastic wrap. I have smaller 9 x 11 baking trays you may need to up the strawberries if you have giant ones. Pour an even mixture of the strawberry liquid onto the baking tray about 1/4 of an inch thick.

Place the trays in the dehydrator (plans coming I swear) or in the oven on low. Mine were done in about 7 hours, the temp out side was about 88* so the temp in the dehydrator was 120* or more. Remove from plastic wrap or roll the fruit into the plastic wrap and store.
A useful website about strawberry preserving.
I'm sure I left this comment yesterday, but here goes again...
ReplyDeleteThe only problem with fruit leather is that I want to eat it all, all at once. It's soooooo good.