13 June 2010

Garage sale is over!!

These last two weeks have been nightmarishly busy! Getting the last plants healed into place, followed by succession plantings. Then dealing with the garage sale. Mom and I decided to put on a garage sale over EWU's graduation weekend, in hopes that the extra traffic out to Cheney would inspire people to spend! We did pretty much all of our business on Friday.... Saturday was so slow it was painful. I think everyone was still hung over from the the festivities of graduation. Regardless we were able to sell our old TV stand, a few lamps and Jacob's bike. All the other big stuff we need out didn't go.

The LoveSac brought TONS and TONS of college kids by. It was the same every time, kid drives by at high speeds, see's bean bag size, mouth opens in awe, screeches to the side of the road, runs over, see's price..... deflates and heads back to the car. Time and time again! LoveSac's are made of memory foam and run about $400 bucks brand new and that's without a cover.... with a cover it's at least another $100. I was asking $350 or best offer. Someone saw the craigslist garage sale ad and said I'll give you $50 for it, there email was promptly deleted with a laugh. I had another guy ask if I'd sell my GIANT rubbermaid wheelbarrow (that we bought last year and never should have) for $50. They run brand new at home depot for $154+ tax. I said no. I do find it funny how much "or best offer" means "give it to me for free."

Ah well, at least I was able to get rid of some little things and get some space cleared. I am going to put the stuff that didn't sell up for sale on craigslist and see if I can get it gone too. I'll post some garden pix later but for now I have to play catch-up for the week I neglected the garden for the garage.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on getting some space cleared! I'll be going through my stuff later on this summer (once I know where I'm going) and I'll be donating stuff to Goodwill and putting up ads on craigslist. Oy.
