28 August 2010

A Wild Garden update

Well it's our anniversary folks, 9 years we've been married. What did we do you ask? Dinner, romantic somethings, breakfast in bed maybe? Nope. We got up at 1:30 AM and again at 3:30 AM and stoked fires in our garden to warm the 36* area up. Then once dawn finally arrived we uncovered our poor tomato jungle and went into town. We joined the throngs of city foragers at the farmers market and then went and ordered some chickens! A lovely couple advertised on craigslist for chicken meat birds. Only not the freak show Cornish Cross meat birds.... these are Delaware and Red Stars! Jacob and I have been looking for a source for heritage meat animals and we've found gold. The couples blog (Mike and Kelsi) is here . It was an awesome few hours spent gabbing about food, gardening, and general environmental geekyness! We reserved 20 birds, when they get harvested late September we'll go and pick up our winter dinners! YAHOO!

In other garden news I got Yard of the Month from the city of Cheney gardeners. For me it's kinda like winning Employee of the Month. I was really honored, when we took the grass out of the front yard this spring and put in the wild spiral garden, I wasn't sure what reception we'd get. So far most of it's been positive.

I took a few videos of the garden to showcase it in it's wild state. The first is the front yard spiral garden. I know they are a little bumpy, but it's hard to walk around and film stuff at the same time.

Here's the big show, the back yard veggie garden and tomato jungle. Isn't it insane how fast it grows?


  1. Congrats on the award! Really nice garden; lots of work!

  2. Congrats on the Award! Makes ya happy that someone else can appreciate all that ya do!

  3. Happy anniversary and your yard and gardens deserve an award as they are a most wonderful display of how things could, perhaps should, be. 36°in August is not a good thing, I heard about the lows expected in your area on the news last night. You didn't need the fires though as the news person said to just cover your plants with milk cartons. Yep, we thought that was pretty funny too...not sure how one is supposed to get any full grown garden plant under a milk carton this time of year.:)

  4. Blue Heron- Thank you, and welcome!

    Quinlyn- Thanks! I was worried, but it's really nice to be appreciated.

    Mr.H- HA! HA! a milk jug, that might fit over my fall carrot starts but that's about it! We did ok with the blankets, but our lows are still hovering right around 40*. So we'll be covering every night now until we can get a substantial harvest. Ugh!

  5. Congratulations on your anniversary. And congrats on the Yard of the Month!

  6. It’s amazing that you got an award because of your garden. I really want also to have an award because of my garden to make my fatigue and hard work worth it. Congratulations for that!

  7. Yard of the month! I want to have an award like that and I am jealous of your award. I guess gaining an award like that is really a hard thing. You need to maintain the healthiness of your garden and that is the most difficult one. By the way happy anniversary to you!
