Life is crazy right now! It's not all work and no fun though. I've been in demolition stages of the garden for the last week. Pulling plants out that are done and generally harvesting everything I can get my hands on.
Our tomatillo plants did not like this really cold weather, the whole plant started to yellow and look generally unhappy about the arrival of fall, so I harvested everything. Like a complete geek I forgot to weigh the end result so I'd have some idea of what we pulled from 4 plants. My best guess is about 15 pounds or less, that is loosely based on how heavy the basket was bringing the haul into the house. Here is the husked and about to be washed tomatillos. They almost filled the sink.
Yesterday I pulled almost our entire bush bean harvest. It consisted of Montezuma's Red, Hutterite Soup, and Black Valentine they are red, white, and black respectively. I am not worried about keeping the plants straight because the beans are so obviously different. So I dumped them in a giant pile and got to hulling the bean pods off the plant (mom helped with this big pile.... thanks mom.)
In other exciting news..... look it's our first grape harvest!! Although I am not sure if harvest is really the right word for it.
We intend to make a very small bottle of wine..... HA HA! We tried it though and it could've stayed on the plant about a week or two longer and they'd have been a bit sweeter. Still, we are looking forward to next year when we may actually have some to eat!
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