07 February 2011

The difficulties of bun breeding

We bred our big mamma on the 24th of December meaning she should have had some babies last week if she was preggers. Well no babies came. But now she's being really difficult to re-breed she's just not in the mood. So I tried some different tactics to get her used to Ches our buck. So far none of them have proved successful she: "just doesn't want to and you can't make me...."

Ches is on the left and Big Mamma Clove is on the right. 

Here's a quick video of them in the "make-out" pen, I was hoping she'd get in the mood in a neutral and on sold ground location. No such luck. They just played ring around the rosie for a half hour. Both bunz were pretty pooped by the end. Curious the chicken didn't like the bunz being so close and she made sure to tell me all about it! Check out the mighty adorable leap Ches makes about 20 seconds in. He's trying to impress his lady with his slick dancing skills.... to bad it doesn't work.

Yesterday I did finally get her to *ahem* get with the program. It seems she needs to breed at night instead of early morning. Go figure! Now we wait another month and see if this time it's successful.


  1. Who would have thought it would be hard to breed rabbits. I mean we do use it in a term for it being easy. LOL. Good luck! It is the year of the rabbit in Chinese zodiac so it is to be a prosperous year for rabbits!

  2. I remember reading that when you breed rabbits, the first sexual encounter triggers the female to release eggs - the fertilization happens during the second encounter.

    Wish I could remember what book I read that in, but I've read about 20 homesteading books in the last eight months, so I just can't recall which book it was in!

  3. meemsnyc- I use the term breed like rabbits all the time, I'm starting to think it's a wives tale. Maybe our Momma bun just needed the Chinese new year to start before she'd get the hint?

    patricialynn- I think that is where we messed up the first time. We only had her "serviced" (it always cracks me up writing that) once and we got no babies from it. This time we made sure to put her back a second time, 10 hours later. Who knew right?

  4. I'll be watching eagerly to see how it works. The only meat animals we could possibly keep here are rabbits - even chickens are outlawed in our suburb. So I find I take a lot of interest in others who are raising rabbits - learn from their experiences, so to speak, before I start out on my own.

  5. patricialynn- We learned a lot from a backyard rabbit farmer who uploads videos on youtube. Here's a link to his stuff if you're interested.


    He started his cages out way too small and then upgraded, a mistake we didn't make. We went for a big cage for everyone that way they have more room to bounce around.

  6. good luck! They look so funny going in circles like that!

  7. Mike- I know, it was hard not to laugh at the antics going on in the bunny pen.
