09 March 2011


I've started trying to grow micro-greens. In the winter time we get virtually no green things because we don't have a winter growing set up for outside. That being one of the many things I intend to do late fall of 2011, but that's a long way off. In the mean time we've been looking into sprouting greens.  This tray of sunflowers is over crowded, I started too many sprouts... oops.

I have 2 trays of sunflowers and wheat grass in varying stages of growth. The sunflower for things like salads and the wheat grass for juicing. We don't have a juicer but intend to use our new blender (whenever it arrives) to get the juice!

Our sunflower sprout salad, with feta cheese, roasted sunflower and pumpkin seeds. Topped with homemade vinaigrette. When I first started this Jake had is doubts... "this is going to taste yucky..." but it turns out we both really like it. I like the texture so much more than lettuce!  

In other sprouting news the baby onion starts are up, I put them all in one giant tray this year with the intention of transplanting them. I put the onions outside last year and they were no bigger than a red stir straw. Maybe I should have started them earlier and also transplanted them? I have to do some major research into the best way to proceed. Last year they did ok but I'd like some bigger onions so I'll have to think on that some more.  

I don't have to much else started, as much as I want to! I started the tomatoes a bit early and had GIANT tomato plants to haul in and out while hardening off.


  1. Your sprouts look wonderful. Do you grow them in soil? ...and do you think it matters what variety is used? Sprouting sunflowers is something we are excited to try this next winter.

  2. I've never eaten sunflower sprouts before. Does it matter what type of sunflower seed for micro greens? Are they all edible?

  3. Mr.H and Meemsnyc- I realized I needed to do a post about your questions. So I won't answer them here because I did in the next post.

    Thanks you two!!
