My Azure Standard drop managers asked me to take a drop point. Tim & Laura who manage our AS drop are taking care of a friend with cancer, the bi-monthly AS order has become a bit too much for them, so I agreed to handle one of the routes. We have two routes that come through town, the I-1 and I-2 routes. We have what's called an open drop where anyone in the area can order and have it delivered to a drop point (me or Tim & Laura) then they come and collect there stuff. It's a nice way to save on gas so the truck driver doesn't deliver to everyone's house it all just goes to your drop manager. A closed drop would be you and several of your friends only, as long as you make the minimum $500 order. It's riskier with an open drop because you might not make that $500 but this way everyone gets a chance to play. In our area we are one of AS's biggest drop routes. The goods for tomorrow's drop are in the $800 area, but usually they are nearing $1,600. That's a lot of buying power!
Tomorrow during a snowstorm will be my first ever drop. The truck driver will show up, hand me a stack of invoices and start unloading the truck. I'll run inside and start calling everyone to let them know the truck and goods have arrived. Then they'll show up and collect stuff, viola done!
It's pretty straight forward and according to Tim & Laura everyone is pretty good about coming to get stuff. I'm looking forward too it, maybe I'll post some pictures tomorrow?
Hey, our order is coming today on the l-1 truck too. Hope this snow doesn't delay it... Curious, is there any advantage to being a drop manager other than having it delivered directly to your house?
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ReplyDeleteI wondered if you guys were the same route since it goes right through Idaho! I wish AS would give me a discount or something but as of now there are no benefits to being a drop manager. Other than, as you say having the order dropped right at your door. It would be nice if they did, especially for coordinating an open drop like mine. If it were a closed non-scheduled drop and you could order whenever, I can see them not giving a discount. But alas, no benefits. It's my once a month act of community service... LOL!
ReplyDeleteWhen I talked to the driver he said he won't show up here until 9-10am and as of right now 7:45am I haven't seen him. So likely he will be delayed due to the snow. We got about 3" so not too bad. I know he is usually here around now, so who knows?
The Azure trucks from my experience are typically on time. We have had orders that would have been able to be delivered to our house, but we usually go with the drop point. It's kinda nice to meet the azure drop point people! I have meet the truck drivers too! They are pretty nice, and hurried, but nice