29 March 2012

Greenhouse Milk Jugs and Seedlings

I ran across a blog about using milk jugs as mini greenhouse's and winter sowing. The website is called WinterSown.org. After paroozing the information I decided to give it a go. Most of these milk jugs were started the first week of March which around here is still very cold. I know you can start mid winter or whenever you get the hankering for hands in dirt.

I even started things like tomatoes that have no business being outside before late May. Some things have already started popping up. The early spring reliable's like cabbages, kale, spinage, swiss chard, you know the cold weather guys.

I've even started different flowers that I would like to get a head start on like marigolds, nasturtiums, and zinnia.

 Above: Pak Choi   Below: Mixed Lettuce's and Spinage.

This will be my first year attempting the wintersown method. I didn't want this to be my only source for veggies, so I've also done the inside under grow lights method. Since it's warm in there they are understandably way ahead of anything in the milk jugs.



We'll see how the milk jugs pan out. The advantage being the plant is already hardened off. So the inside outside, in the sun, in the shade dance that I do every spring would be eliminated. That would be cool!

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