Since the beekeeping dream must wait one more year, Jacob and I decided to make bee blocks. Bee blocks are for mason bees of all shapes and sizes. These bees are solitary and docile and they need a place to lay their young, enter the bee block. Most mason bees nest in old beetle holes, but you can manufacture them a home.
We opted to do many different sizes to accommodate different bees. We drilled 3/8", 5/16", 1/4", 3/16", and 1/8" for those who don't speak "boy" this means almost thumb sized to pretty tiny.
Here's how this works, Take a piece of wood, usually a 4x4 or a 2x4 and measure some holes in varying sizes mark where you want to drill. Remember this isn't rocket science, don't get too caught up in perfection, seriously the bees don't care.

Now if you have it, take a clamp or two blocks and stuff the wood block into it, so you can hold it to drill. Bees only like a front door, so make sure when you are drilling you stop about 1/2" before the back of the wood. In this picture we are drilling 1/8" sized whole, very tiny.

Jacob is using our little air compressor to blow out some of the wood shavings from the bee holes. You don't have to do this, but make sure to knock it out on the ground to empty out those shavings.

We opted to use some wood glue and secure a roof. See all the different sized wholes?

Close up! Left is 5/16" size and right is 1/8".

The roofs stick out about an inch over the top of the block, you don't have to do this but the bees do appreciate a rain blocker. Make sure to place these guys holes facing east to catch the early morning sunshine.

It's good to see that the mason bee housing market hasn't collapsed. Those are some nice looking condos.