02 April 2009

Weather and Eggs

Strange weather has been happening lately. We got 3" of snow this morning, but heavy winds, thunder, lightning and hail have also been present. It is shaping up to be a wild spring again this year. Ahh, how I long for a sense of normalcy. I am kind of glad though about the weather as it is keeping me in doors. I think if it were nice outside I would be very tempted to do work in the garden. I however can't because of my injured shoulder, still it doesn't stop me from wishing.

Weather problems aside our chickens are doing splendidly! I did an egg tally because I haven't done one yet. Since our girls started laying the day after Christmas we have received 198 eggs.

December/January 59
February 66
March 73

That is 16.5 dozen! I have 3 full dozen in the fridge, I need to hit up the neighbors and see if they want any. As the light shifts we are getting pretty consistently 3 eggs a day at the very least 2 eggs. I told those girls to start churning out the eggs and they have delivered!


  1. Hi Guys, love what you're doing.

    Thought I invite you to join us at:


    as I think you'll find some kindred spirits there.



  2. I think it might be time to start your own egg business at the farmer's market.

  3. How many hens do you have? I missed your early announcement of them. I have a friend in Florida who has 4 hens and she gets at least 3 eggs a day. Chickens are really cool and nonchalant. I love your raised bed layout on FaceBook

  4. We have three hens. We ordered 4 but one turned out to be a rooster... so he went to the local farmer and became dinner. Our girls are awesomely stupid but totally funny!
