21 January 2010

The microwave and living without it.

It all started with pizza. Pizza just never tastes the same microwaved, the crust isn't as crisp the cheese as perfectly melty. Yesterday afternoon over our leftover pizza, Jake and I got to talking about the microwave. I had seen somewhere that they aren't very safe, but I put that thought out of my mind because I love my microwave! I told Jake about the unsafe issues and he said: "well it makes sense, the microwave mess's up the phone and it's in the other room." Intrigued we wanted more information. This is what we were able to come up with:  

1. They don't know the long term effects. Which we took as, slow poisoning might not kill you.... but it sure isn't good! (According to Norbert Hankin of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s Center for Science and Risk Assessment, "We don't have a solid position on the possible health risks from exposure to microwaves due to inconclusive research." He concludes, "The real question remains whether there could be cumulative effects.")  

2. Microwaves alter the chemistry of the food. Some reports say it alter's the food so drastically that our bodies absorb very little of the nutrients in the food. "In the late 1980s scientists Hans Hertel and Bernard Blanc of the Swiss Institute of Technology tested blood from subjects both before and after eating microwave-cooked food. They reported that the subjects had a decrease in all hemoglobin values as well as increases in white blood cells and cholesterol."  

We stopped there, and didn't need to go any further. Our microwave is cleaned, pictures taken and being placed "for sale" on craigslist today. All excerpts and a worthy article to read Here.
image from mercola.com

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