21 January 2010

Planning....always with the planning

Oh man have I been planning this garden, I got the bulk of my seeds from Seed Savers Exchange. But I still need to order a few from a local company called Irish Eyes. I intend to put up another tab next to "about us" and list all the seeds, where they came from, the fruit tree varieties, and herbs. I have my list of what seeds need to be started indoors and which can be direct sown outside. The list is quite impressive and daunting!

We're going to use the downstairs bed frame as a seed starting table, but getting that set up is going to take some work. Jake and I went to Home Depot last week and bought 4 of the 4 foot fluorescent "shop" lights and 2 different spectrum of bulbs. It was pointed out to me that "grow" lights don't list the spectrum of light, this way they can charge you more for it! Or if you just get 2 different spectrums, say a light that is more yellow and a light that is more blue... voila, grow lights. So that is exactly what Jake and I did, thus saving ourselves about 10 dollars per bulb! I plan on using egg cartons as my seed starting container ( thanks to homegrown evolution for that idea ). But I will still need to order the 4" plastic pots to move them into when the seeds need transplanting. Not sure what I am doing about that yet, or where I plan to buy all those pots from. Once we get our grow shelves set up I will take some pictures of them. Poor Jake had a hard time earlier this week, I made both manicotti and lasagna earlier this week and he only got 1 meal! I decided to freeze the rest of it for future meals. My Italian, pasta loving guy I think shed some tears when I put them in the freezer. :P Hopefully everyone has a happy and safe new year a head of them, ours is going to be EPIC!

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