6 years ago when Jacob and I had this house built our contractor used the shittiest carpet on the market. During the first year when I would vacuum, bags and bags of carpet would actually pull up. To the point where we had not much of the "nice looking" carpet that was installed. We also made the mistake of choosing WAY to light of a color, off white with brown/black flecks in it. Naturally it didn't say off white for long. Having and unfinished yard and a dog with off white flooring..... well we gave up quickly. In our quest for new flooring many eco-friendly questions came up. Off-gassing, material, processed, LEED requirements, etc. If we choose carpet should it be wool? Do they spray it? Is it dosed in spill proof chemicals? What about Marmoleum? Do we have to lay down a toxic sub floor? Glues? Formaldehyde?
You get the picture. We found a company based in our own state that sells bamboo wood flooring. Upon further checking them out we pounced. The company is called Bamboo Hardwoods. We chose this company because they offered FSC certified bamboo flooring with very low toxic off gassing levels. They are CARB and E-O compliant which means they are about the lowest toxic floor we could find. Accept for maybe real hardwood recycled from a barn or something....
Now the fun came, demolition!
We ripped up the carpet on the in the two bedrooms, stairs and living room, and decided to get that nasty press board and vinyl out of the kitchen too. Our master bath room we are saving to tile later this year... maybe.
Demolition pictures: Install pictures and stacked bamboo flooring (it has to acclimate) to come later.
This is the flooring when we first moved in, nice and white looking, it's hard to tell in this picture but the colors are drastically different.
Afters and demolition:
Computer Room After

Living Room, Dining and Kitchen.

LOL Fridge in the living room...

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