04 April 2010

Seed Starting Room

I've taken over the downstairs bedroom as the seed starting room. But come June it will be our bedroom, we move downstairs in the summer so we don't suffer as much when it gets in the 90* range. So far I have onions and leeks, celery, tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, and some herbs that aren't up yet. This week I have to start a bunch more stuff. WOOT! Mini grocery store starting in the basement!  I am hoping to have more than I could possibly need incase anything dies when it get's transplanted outside. I don't think I have enough onions though, I might get some sets at the hardware store.

Onions, Leeks and celery!


Yes that's a pallet, with random wood legs.... we're cheep and the seeds don't care! LOL!

This was once a lovely shelf that we used in our food storage area (laundry room). We didn't want to buy a new shelf yet so we just used this one and put everything on the floor. The laundry room looks rather chaotic now!

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