06 April 2010

Spring Plantings

I am pretty proud of myself this year. I've gotten my potatoes in the ground a full month earlier than I did last year. Much of the delay last year was due to the seed potatoes unwillingness to sprout! This year I ordered them much earlier in order to give them time to sprout before I got them in the ground. We're trying out some new varieties this year. Carola, All Blue and Russian Banana. I've also decided to try planting them in tires and similarly to last year add another tire each time the potato out grows it. Potato Tire Tower! I was disappointed with the amount I got last year. However that bed was huge and difficult to keep watered, which added to the smaller amount we got. I got the tires for free at the local tire shop, which is nice! I like free materials.

Jacob built me some super awesome trellises to support our peas! All the other beds need them too, since I plan to be drowning in tomatoes by the end of the summer... but those can wait to be built. Today I planted our two types of peas, two lettuces, spinage and some green bunching onions. I need to do succession planting for the spinage that way they don't all ripen at once. I plan to do that with the lettuces too.

Our weather has been typical April, snow, rain, hail, sun, wind, warm, frost. It's like a light switch rave, on and off with the only constant being inconsistency. I hope it's nice when we get our bee's I don't want them to suffer in the rain when we dump them into there new home. 11 days until they arrive. I have some extra stuff to get at the Millers so I am heading out there thursday morning. Getting excited for the new addition to the farm!

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