21 April 2011

Garden Reset Button

It got down to 24* three nights ago and well below freezing every night since, thus rebooting the garden back to zero.

Plants lost:
1 flat of Danver's Carrots
1 flat of Swiss Chard/ Kale Mix
2 flat's of Spinach
2 flat's of Pea's both snap and shelling
2 flat's and entire Onion crop

It rained and then froze hard over night, the frost was so thick you'd think it was January. We covered plants, but it was too much. So I've started everything but the onions because they take too long to start and won't be ready.

P.S As I am typing this.... here's what it look's like outside. I hate April, she's a bitch.


  1. That totally sucks. I was on the phone with my mom last night and she told me y'all were expecting more snow. Ugh. That's terrible news, Jen. I hope you can get new starts started, although it sounds like it's going to be a cool summer. It might be a rough growing season this year. Bummerz.

  2. She is nasty isn't she...same stuff here. Sorry to hear about your plants. I have an extra flat of Copra onion seedlings if you need some? My wife will be in Spokane a couple times this week.

  3. Jennne- I growl at nature sometimes, I am still waiting for spring though. *crossing my fingers*

    Mr.H- I would love love love some onion seedlings, I thought I would be doomed to the walla walla's starts that the stores have. I'll meet her where ever she is, at her convenience. Oh you guys are just so awesome! Here's email I'll give you my phone number too but I don't want to post it over the web.... oxrieder(at)gmail(dot)com

    Oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!

  4. Jen,

    I'm with you about April! Especially this year. SO SO sick of GRAY. Rain (though preferred to snow.) Yesterday (Welcome the Whales/Earth Day celebration in Langley) was GORGEOUS. An anomaly.

    Big Hugs!
