26 April 2011

Half Mulched

Why does mulch melt into the ground? Can't it just stay 6" thick and keep the weeds out. This will be our major weed growing year for the front yard garden. It only has one application of mulch, two on the outer circle. Our little side garden (basically the other side of the driveway-upper right corner) has hardly any weeds in it, but it's been mulched heavily about 4 times and all the perennials are established. Once that happens in the front yard it won't be so much freaking work. Oh well. It's really pretty come high summer and it feeds the bees.

I am actually thinking about growing corn to the left of the A-frame. I should get a pretty good row of it. This will be my first time growing corn, since it's such a heavy feeder and requires lots of space to get anything noteworthy. I have Hopi Blue Corn seeds that I'll grow for corn meal. We don't eat too much corn on the cob so I usually just get that from the farmers market.  Should be fun!


  1. I love the front yard design of the spiral. Looks great!

  2. Could you come do my front yard? very nice! Just a note about the corn planting, corn grows better in a group setting, like 4 short rows, instead of 1 long row. I think it has to do with self pollination. Don't forget to post pictures of the Hopi Blue corn when it's picked, I'd love to see how it turns out!

  3. Tommy- Thank you! It was a ton of work to get setup but I really like how it turned out.

    Me!- LOL! Having done this garden in a spiral, with all the rock hauling I don't think I'll ever do it again.

    The part of the spiral I'm going to put the corn in is much fatter than the other sections. I should be able to get 2-4 rows of corn in the one bed (planting biointensive). I might even attempt the three sisters, but I am still debating on that.

  4. MJ- LOL sometimes it feels like it never blooming ends!!
