A lot has been going on even though the garden year is about 1.5 months behind. I went outside and took some pictures of the whole crew (animals included, next post.) Here we go.....
A big THANK YOU! To Mr. & Mrs. H for these onions, they are going strong. I re-arranged my garden layout so I could plant the whole tray you gave me. (I still had to give some away to neighbor Kara and my Mom.)
Blue Podded Shelling peas, they have a red/pink flower similar to sweet peas. I haven't tried the pea pods yet because they aren't quite full, but soon. They sure are pretty, I hope they taste that way too.
We're trying elephant garlic this year. The leaf difference is amazing. Last year I harvested the garlic on the 10th of July. I have no idea when to do it this year, everything is so behind.
Another gift from my aforementioned onion heroes! Jerusalem Artichokes or sunchokes. I have never eaten them, they are my garden experiment "new veggie" for the year.
Tomatoes and beans. The `maters look really windswept and terrible, but they are going strong, after we get horrid winds they turn the leaf bottom side up and stay that way for a while. Not sure why and I can't find any web info about it... oh well they did the same thing last year too.
The clover has taken hold this year. Which is nice because it keeps the "grass" green but mainly we planted it for the bees, they love the flowers... just no grass walking barefoot or you might pay the price. I also grab handfuls of it for the bunz, they just love the clover.
Well here's the "3 sisters" patch. Knee high by the 4th of July my ass! Our spring was just too cold and overcast. The corn is finally taking off, the beans growing up it are reaching for the sky and the corn just can't keep up, beans are super fast growers though. My ground cover of moon&stars watermelon is about as big as my fist. About half of our squash plants are doing good the rest are grossly stunted.
The front yard garden is going well, the perennials don't seem to mind at all. I've been amassing more herbs this year to fill out the garden. I am starting to learn more about herbs and using them in tinctures etc. so having more on hand is a bonus.
Over all it's been a rather suck pants year, because everything is late and all coming in at once. I've only had one snap pea harvest I think they are going to set pod and checkout all at the same time. UGH! Our spinach bolted early too not sure why because the kale is still doing fine. Ah well, it's a learning year for sure.
We are super behind in our garden too. Everything is taking it's time to bulk up, I don't even know if we'll get peppers this year. (sigh) Your onions look great!
ReplyDeleteI am Jealous that you met Mr and Mrs H! They are pretty much my gardening heros!
ReplyDeletemeemsnyc- This growing year is very strange too. Our peppers are at the blossom stage now but they are really tiny plants. I'm not sure if we'll get anything too.
ReplyDeleteMike- I only met Mrs. H, they traded me onions and sunchokes for a jar of honey. I had put my onions out and a late freezing rain killed the lot. So Mr.H offered me some of his over planted onions. I LOVE there garden, I really want to take a field trip to see it in person!