Man they get big quick. Sometimes when they are in the brood box it seems like forever until they go outside. But all the girls have been outside together for a little over 1 week. The RedStars are much more wild than the Buff Orpington girls. Flying is top priority for them, when they were in the brood box I was calling them Raptor Babies! Anyway, we haven't clipped there wings yet probably tonight. As they get bigger Curious looses her hold as dominate chicken, she was never a leader anyway. Red will probably take over the "roo" role in this flock.

It only took them 3 days to figure out the ramp up into the coop. Curious was a really shitty teacher so Jacob had to go out and coax them up the ramp with seeds. It took the BO girls well over a week to "get" the ramp. The RedStars are figuring out how to roost now which will be much better for clean up and the overall care of the coop.
A video of Redstars Vs. Curious and the sunflower seeds. To give you an idea about the size difference.
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