01 September 2009

The growth of Chickens

Man they get big quick. Sometimes when they are in the brood box it seems like forever until they go outside. But all the girls have been outside together for a little over 1 week. The RedStars are much more wild than the Buff Orpington girls. Flying is top priority for them, when they were in the brood box I was calling them Raptor Babies! Anyway, we haven't clipped there wings yet probably tonight. As they get bigger Curious looses her hold as dominate chicken, she was never a leader anyway. Red will probably take over the "roo" role in this flock.

It only took them 3 days to figure out the ramp up into the coop. Curious was a really shitty teacher so Jacob had to go out and coax them up the ramp with seeds. It took the BO girls well over a week to "get" the ramp. The RedStars are figuring out how to roost now which will be much better for clean up and the overall care of the coop.

A video of Redstars Vs. Curious and the sunflower seeds. To give you an idea about the size difference.

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