23 September 2009


I am having the most glorious time on etsy finding all sorts of goodies and gift ideas for the crew. Much of the Yule season gifts will be food and home made yummies. But a few things will be outsourced, by artists only! I am very excited about the finds, foods, and fun!

By the way, happy Autumn!


  1. Great idea, Jen. Let's see, what can I do to get on your Xmas list? Hmmmmm. Would being Windy's sister help any? Just kidding. But I think you have a wonderful idea. I may use it too.

  2. Urgent need to know...

    Now is the time to plant garlic. What type of garlic did you plant last year? You sure did get a great harvest! Any suggestions?

  3. Last year for garlic we planted Lorz Italian and a mix bag. But they were "culinary" garlic not "seed" garlic. You must get seed garlic in the same variety you wish to eat (seed garlic has been left in the ground longer so its much bigger, bigger clovers = bigger garlic.) This year we are planting Lorz Italian, Asian Tempest, and Georgian Crystal. Good luck!
