08 September 2009

What to do with the front yard grass?

Over this weekend Jake and I have been toying with what to do with the grass in the front yard. We considered doing rows of strawberries with grass clover mix in the walk way. But I've seen how most June bearing strawberries grow and I don't think we could make it work. Plus our next door neighbor is FAR from organic with her turf bright green front lawn. I wouldn't want any ground growing edibles near the property line. Then we would have to build a fence to keep everyone out of our lovely strawberries! Plus the watering system.... right. So we've decided to grow strawberries in the circle cut out's we made for the fruit trees. Like so:
But that still leaves us with the grass problem. My big dilemma with grass is the fact that it doesn't feed anything I own. If I had a goat... I would consider keeping that lawn. Since I don't own any thing that eats grass I want something that feeds me or feeds the bees. We are going to do lawn/clover mix in the back yard so the dog, chickens and bees will benefit. In the front yard we've decided to go with a creeping thyme lawn. It has the best drought and foot traffic tolerance. Once it gets established it needs watering like once a month! It's been on our minds because the neighbor down the road has an almost completely filled in thyme lawn. It flowers purple in the early spring and the bee's were all over it. It NEVER has to be mowed and smells wonderful when walked on.

See how this is almost grown in. more photos here.
But in order for the thyme to "take" well it must be done in the spring. So come spring of 2010 we will rent that sod cutter again, receive many strange looks from our neighbors and rip out more grass. The clover for the back yard will have to be done in the spring for the same reasons. Hopefully this will solve our barren grass issues. We really have crappy soil here. If you ever wanted to put in a clover lawn mix this is a great article. Establishing White Clover in Lawns.


  1. A good grass/clover mix is Earth Turf - http://www.earthturfco.com

    Good luck with the lawn!
