Getting of junk mail is seriously a pain in the ass! I have however found some sites that are truly helpful. I spent much of the morning on the phone or sending emails about being removed from junk mail lists. Here are the sites I found useful.
I called DirectTV to (with any luck) get off there mailing lists, since we don't own a TV it seems pointless to keep shredding the paper. At DMA choice I removed myself from all magazines, catalogs, and other random mailings. I however called about the credit card opt out at 888-567-8688, It's through opt-out-preescreen which can be accessed through DMA's website. With any luck I will stop receiving credit card applications from Skank of America.
Seriously I would love it if I could check my mail only once per week maybe get just the bills from the crapy guys who need to actually mail a bill every month. (thank you city of cheney) My occasional Organic Gardening magazine is the one joy I have when I get the mail.
Picture and another useful article from stopjunkmail.
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