24 February 2010

Updates on Life without a microwave

So the whole microwave revelation started with pizza and although warmed up pizza in an oven is glorious, it's nothing to compared to pie. See mom made us cherry tarts (from last years frozen cherries thank you) for good ole' George Washington's B-day. I can't remember why to bake a cherry pie but regardless, cherry tarts ensued.  So last night I turned on the oven to 350* placed the tart in the center and set the timer for 20 minutes. When the timer buzzed out came the tart all beautiful and full of itself, smelling like loveliness. We dished up our frozen yogurt, split the tart in half and set to work on enjoyment. The crust got me first all flakey and wonderful nothing like the soggy resemblance of crust in a microwaved slice of pie. Evenly heated every bite was warm, no hot spots. It was one of the few stand out meals that is so exponentially better than it's microwaved counter part I can't even put it into words. Try it, it's brilliant.

Other meals are sometimes easier or harder depending on frozen ingredients and if I had any forethought. It's been a month now since the removal, most of that time was made of pre cooked meals I had on hand for my surgery which got postponed. So the forethought on meal planning was minimal. Take it out frozen stick in oven, cook, eat. Now with most of those meals gone planning for thawing ingredients will be a challenge. I am not looking forward to using the oven when it's like 100* outside this summer. But we are planning on building a solar oven to assist with that. Or we'll just live off food we cook on the BBQ. Further updates on the microwave situation as we progress through this year.

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