12 May 2010

Bee Hive Check 5-9

We did a hive check on Sunday, mostly to see how many frames they had drawn out, and wether or not to put on the second hive body box. They still have a little way to go, they've drawn out comb on frames 1-7 once 8 is fully loaded we should get that second box on. We don't want to think they don't have enough room to grow and start thinking of swarming.

The hive was very calm which was surprising, I think I only sprayed them with peppermint 5-6 times and that was that.

This is frame 7, you can see where they've attached there own comb to the starter strip of wax. This was really warm wax and not attached to the sides yet so it was really wobbly.

This is frame number 8, they get bigger as we get toward number 1. Watching the bees draw there own comb is so fascinating.

I spotted our queen, see what a big butt she has!

A good picture of the girls hard at work making comb.

I took a video while Jacob was pulling out frames, It's long but pretty cool. I can never fully focus on the queen because our little camera can't refocus after the video has started, so every time I try to zoom in I lose focus. Sucks. But you still get the idea and size of the queen versus the workers.

Oh and Jenne, no bee's fly at the camera in this video so you're safe to watch.  ;o)


  1. Even though no bees flew toward the camera, they still make that scary droning noise. I wouldn't want to piss them off.

  2. That was amazing!! Fascinating, even... Thanks for sharing the video.
