12 May 2010

Spiral Garden phase two: The Layout

After rototilling in all that compost and smoothing down the dirt as best we can with a rake it started to look like this.

Jacob took a video from our bathroom window and the arial shots of it are much better than the pictures I can take on the ground. Keep in mind the layout isn't complete yet, my goal is to get that done by the end of the week.

I've been working on designing the flowers and general layout of this garden. I'm getting really excited to start planting!!!!


  1. My favorite part? The photo with your neighbor's lawn in the backdrop--all mowed with a circular pattern. Nice contrast.

  2. Wow! Very cool! I love the layout. What plants are you going to use? I'm a gardener too. I've had large gardens but not a whole yard before. I think it's wonderful!
