28 May 2010

A Matter of Trust

This oil spill will have such a huge impact on our world, I don't think many people realize how devastating it could be. I feel really helpless with this whole situation but then I remember I'm not. Here's what you can do to help out:

1. Use less plastic, plastic is an oil product so if you demand less plastic you also demand less oil. (driving less isn't the only way to withhold money from BP.)

2. Eat local and preferably organic: many 'fertilizers' for lawns and crops are also made from oil and the closer your food is less it drove to get to you.

3. Smile more, Earth needs a hug.

4. Save your hair, yep.... save your hair. Do you get your hair cut at a salon? Ask them to get with the program of sending hair to Matter of Trust.  Since I don't get my hair cut at a salon, I do it myself, I will be saving all my hair. Also Matter of Trust or MOT takes pet hair too! What do they do with it? They make 'booms' of hair, essentially long tubes of hair that collect oil (picture). These booms are laid out in the oil spills and your hair, your dogs hair, or even wool soak it up. All the information and how to's can be found on there website at the link above. Please help, it's such a little thing.

photo from here.

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