08 October 2010

Pepper flakes

Cayenne Pepper flakes from both green and red cayenne's dried then ran through the food processor to make flakes and seeds. I think this will last us for 2 years unless we gift some of it away....


  1. This is so cool. Do you dry the peppers in a dehydrator?

  2. meemsnyc- Yeah we used a dehydrator. I wanted to use the solar dehydrator we built but we had such a wet cold late summer that the peppers just wouldn't dry. It took about 4-5 hours in the electric dehydrator to do the job.

  3. Some of the cayenne peppers we have in the greenhouse are starting to turn color and ripen. I hope we will be able to make peppers flakes soon too. It looks like you have a lot, very nice.:)
