For the sprinkler zone we have converted into garden use there were only 2 sprinkler heads that needed to be removed. Well we didn't want to dig up the piping so we opted to just cap them off. This way when we turn on the garden zone these two sprinklers won't turn on and water the dirt.
For previous faucet/sprinkler conversions click here.
Here we go, dig out the faucet head you wish to remove.

Teflon tape the pipe in the ground for a good leak free seal.
Install, screw on, place, add or any other word you would care to use just hook it together.
Now go and turn the sprinkler zone on... does it leak? Nope, of course not because you used teflon tape and created a nice good seal. Now bury it!

Replace the grass so all you see is a nice white cap. Mean while the chickens, expecting worms since you did dig into ground after all... pace back and forth awaiting there snack.

We have ordered a bunch of stuff for the garden hose conversion... but we have family coming in this weekend so I doubt we will get to that.
Stay tuned...
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