Well I did some poking around on Backyard Chickens website to find out how long a chicken would be broody. It turns out if your bird doesn't run with a rooster they can be broody indefinitely, potentially costing them there life. Often the trigger for the hen to stop brooding is baby chicks. Without a rooster she can sit on eggs all day and never hatch a peep. So I decided to nip the broodiness in the butt.
After reading what this person did I got out our dog kennel, flipped it on it's lid so the vents in the side would be near the ground. Then we taped several rebar posts together and fit it through the vents so she could have something to roost on. Then placed her inside at night.
The next morning I released Bee from hen jail. Then when I opened the coop door to let birds 2 and 3 out she immediately went into the nest box. So I shut out my 2 girls who were laying and waited for them to give me the " MOM I NEED TO LAY AN EGG" call. I then went outside and placed each bird by herself, door closed into the coop for the egg laying ritual. This seemed to work because it kept Bee from getting up to the nest. We locked her in jail for a second night, by the next morning she was cured! I have been able to leave the coop door open for my 2 layers and Bee shows no sign of returning to the hatching business. I did watch her for a few days though just to make sure. Someone, in the above forum, said it can take several try's to break a broody hen. I do feel bad for her, I was content to let the broodiness run it's corse but many said it truly varied on the chicken wether or not "running it's corse" would help. I was unaware it could have such health risks for her, since she only came out once per day (if that) to gobble some feed and drink a tiny bit before returning to her "eggs". It does make perfect sense that being broody is hard on a hen's body.
From what I have read it can take several weeks for a once broody hen to begin laying. For now my birds 2/3 are keeping up the one egg per day.
We are now a drama and "don't steal my eggs" free zone having put to rest the broodiness.
So glad to hear you've weaned her!!!