09 March 2011

How I sprout sunflower seeds part 1

When I sprout sunflowers I use the "black oil" sunflowers that come in bulk at the feed store. I could probably find a more organic resource but since I am not eating the shell or the seed I figure these will be OK. I did use some of the sunflowers that I saved mixed in with the black oil and I couldn't tell the difference, so I assume any sunflower will do.

For one big growing tray (the plastic kind you find near most seed starting racks) I used just shy of 1 cup of seeds. I am still playing with that measurement, I think next time I'll try a heaping 1 cup. The tray I just did seemed a little light on the sprouts. Anyway, rinse the seeds off and soak them over night. After that it's the traditional sprouting technique, of rinsing the seeds so they stay moist (about 2-3 times a day), until they look like this: (it takes about 2-3 days to sprout)

Here they are close up after I put them on top of the soil in the tray.

Then I get a tray ready with about one inch of soil mix, and evenly spread out the sunflower seeds. I have heard they grow better or at least have stronger roots if you simulate the weight of the dirt they'd normally be pushing up through. Since I don't cover my seeds with soil, I add an extra tray or two and maybe a book just to add weight. Water them well, make sure they stay moist and leave them until they start to push the weighted tray off them (seeds are strong!)

Here's the sunflower seed tray before I put the covers on. They've been watered and are ready to go.

After. (Just so ya'll get what I'm talking about)

Now just make sure they stay moist. I keep them in the dark until they are around 1-2 inches tall. Then I put them under the grow lights. I'll do a part two and take more pictures as they grow.


  1. Wow, that is so neat, and the seedlings are strong! What's the reasoning behind putting weights on the seeds?

  2. It makes them think they are underground and have to push up through the soil. I would think that gives them a stronger stalk but I'm unsure on that. I don't think you have to either way, as long as they are covered for the first few days. I'll post the link to a video when I do my next sprout update.... (that's where I am getting all my info from.)

  3. Awesome! Thanks for sharing. Are you using anything special for the soil? Or just dirt from the garden. I am totally going to try this. How long from sprout to finish?

  4. Well how neat is that, I would have never have thought to do it in the way you shared but it does make a lot of sense to me. I think we will also try this with the black sunflower seeds...thank you. Do you mind if I add a link to this on the "How To Grow" section of my blog?

  5. Mike- Thanks! We are just using store purchased soil but I am gonna try Mr. H's home made soil recipe soon! I haven't ever timed it but no more than 10 days, I'll make sure to count this time and report back how long it takes.

    Mr.H- Thanks so much! I got a lot of my info off of a youtube video. I'll add those when I post part two of the seed starting. I don't mind you adding this to your how to grow section, actually I'm honored! :o)

  6. Hi,

    Seeing that you’re a green advocate (and blogger) I wanted to reach out and see if you were interested in an article that I recently have written. It's on the Olympics and the steps they're taking to go green and decrease the environmental impact that it has. While sports is something far from the topic of your blog, I think that you will find it interesting and informative, and not overwhelming on the sports content, besides a few facts on the last Olympics, it is primarily about the Olympics going Green.

    I'm looking to spread awareness of the fact that even though the Olympic Games are fantastic and unifying, they are it's quite a carbon-rich event and are not that environmentally sound.

    Nerissa Barry
