28 May 2011

Bunz are getting big

I set up an outdoor pen for the babies and sometimes adults to play in. Although I noticed that the adults seem really nervous with big eyes and don't move for fear of "discovery" from the evil _________ (fill in the blank, what ever bunz are afraid of.) Since it was so stressful on the adults I've started just sticking to the babies for now.

The little guys don't have any fear of the great out doors or Kai (dog) for that matter. I'll get a video on the next nice day so ya'll can see how they "play" together. Regardless I always leave the green tub in the play pen so if they feel threatened they can run inside.

All 8 babies are in the tub, eyes were shut but my presence made them alert.  They still like to bunny pile which is adorable. I have nicknamed one of the dark brown babies "Tubbers" since it's SO much bigger than the other 7 kids. Obviously someone is a dinner hog.

26 May 2011

Black Morel?

My Mom called me yesterday and said "I think I have a morel growing in my yard." This morning I went over and picked said mushroom, I would have to agree with her. It is, I think past good eating age since it's rather rubbery and has obviously been out of the ground for a while.

I've never been morel hunting or eaten them for that matter... since I don't know what I am looking for or really where to look at all. I digress, having done some research on morel's and false morel's I am pretty sure that this is a black morel... (all the pictures get bigger if you'd like a closer look)

The inside is hollow and the mushroom is all one piece (meaning cap and stem are one unit).  I am pretty sure that the only morel look alike is the false morel, but that should be squat and not hollow.  This mushroom stands about 5" tall but I realize morel size is subjective. So any shroomies out there? And if it is a morel.... seriously? It's all by itself in the bark next too my mother's house in the middle of the city.

What a weird spring.

18 May 2011

Tater Babies

"The Husband" talking. One of my rare, bi-annual posts.

So last fall, the  "All Blues" (but more appropriately called All Purples) potatoes produced seed pods to my surprise. I've never seen a potato plant do that. The seeds pods were a sphere about the size of a quarter. Around November, I picked up a couple seed pods off the ground that looked to be starting to rot. I wanted to try and save the seeds over winter and plant them in the spring to see what happens.

Jen and I want to start saving seeds to save money but also to reduce our carbon footprint. The less we have shipped to us the better!

So I smashed the seed pods, strained the seeds out, dried the seeds, and put them in a jar on the counter.

About a week and a half ago, I noticed them on the counter and planted them. I covered them with about a quarter of an inch of soil and put them in the window. And to my surprise today, I saw this...

Three of them are growing!!!! I'm so proud I think I shed a tear! I think I threw in about 50 seeds in two small containers so I might have to thin them out. I'm pretty excited about it. I have no idea what will happen. Will they grow potatoes this year? Next year? I don't have a clue. So any input would be appreciated.

So I just had to gush about my new Tater Babies. I'm usually just contributing to the garden by helping Jen in any way I can. So this is my first adventure into growing something myself and of course I chose something totally weird like growing potatoes from seed.

So if this works out, maybe I'll post more than just twice this year!!!

15 May 2011

Rabbit Nest Building

Our "baby doe" who is actually named Confetti but we don't call her that, was nest building yesterday. She is due to kindle any day now. This will be her first litter and her instincts so far have been really good. She just seemed so confused so I had to take a video of it. She keeps carrying around a mouth full of straw but she's just not sure what to do with it, or for that matter why she is carrying around straw in the first place.

Baby Doe figured it out a little while later and has since stopped nest building, but she was so cute I just had to share.

The babies are good, to them mom = jungle gym. Ches gets along so well with Kai(dog) that I wonder what would happen if I let them out together. Probably Ches would bite Kai and that would be the end of the happy friendship. Still, it's nice having a well trained dog who LOVES everything, accept the chickens they scare her (which is awesome and very funny!)

14 May 2011

Double Rainbow on Mother's Day

I know I should've Posted this a week ago but seriously it's finally spring time and the chores are piling up! Anyway last weekend between rainstorms Jake and I were working on the front spiral garden when two giant rainbows appeared. I've posted a ton of videos as of late but guess what here comes one more..

Full double rainbow..

Ive never been able to see the end of a rainbow, it's always way off in the distance. But this time I was able to take a picture of the end.

It ends right there in the field across from our house. How Awesome Is That!?!? I went and looked but didn't find a pot of gold, I was hoping but maybe being able to see the end was my pot of gold?

Happy Spring everyone!(or Happy Fall for those at the other end of the beach ball) :-)

07 May 2011

Tartine Bread

I saw this book at the library and picked it up, so far it seems pretty awesome but I haven't tried baking any of the bread recipes yet. But I did find a video that is rather mouth watering.

For the LOVE of bread....

06 May 2011

Exploring Bunz

The babies are out of the nestbox now, at 3 weeks old the eyes are open and the squeakers are ready to explore. This video is really dark, since rabbits don't like the heat we have them under our deck, but it makes it really difficult to get a clear picture since the light is so dim. This was taken at 4 pm and totally bright out.... oh well we need a new camera.

Cuteness overload (baby in food dish):

The little squeakers like to climb in and eat the grain, right now they fit perfect inside it. I've seen several of them at it. The world is their jungle gym.

05 May 2011

Arbor Day

Last Saturday Me, Jake, Mom and Neighbor Kara all went to the compost fair in Spokane.  They hold the fair every spring and fall. Their are demo's of what to put in compost and what not, types of bins, worm composting and such. It's all very fun and informative, most of which I know since I've been composting somewhat successfully for a while now. The fair was the day after Arbor Day so lots of info, and they were giving away free trees. One stand had maples, oaks, and deciduous type trees. But another gal for the Idaho Forestry Department was giving away Colorado Blue Spruce's which look like this as adults:

The lady gave us each 2 and then asked if we had room to plant them and more, we said yes (because we will eventually) and she gave us a bag of 10, we ended up with 16 trees total. I brought them home and planted them in 1 gallon sized pots, then buried the pots in the ground. I figured this would regulate the root temperature and they would be happier. Thus begins our wind and privacy wall even though they are scarcely 8 inches tall and we have no land yet, oh well no one ever said that I don't plan ahead. 

I have several tree farm spots in my yard that look like this:

Decidedly less impressive than their glorious adult counterpart, but they'll get there... in 10-15 years. *sigh*

adult picture from here.