26 May 2011

Black Morel?

My Mom called me yesterday and said "I think I have a morel growing in my yard." This morning I went over and picked said mushroom, I would have to agree with her. It is, I think past good eating age since it's rather rubbery and has obviously been out of the ground for a while.

I've never been morel hunting or eaten them for that matter... since I don't know what I am looking for or really where to look at all. I digress, having done some research on morel's and false morel's I am pretty sure that this is a black morel... (all the pictures get bigger if you'd like a closer look)

The inside is hollow and the mushroom is all one piece (meaning cap and stem are one unit).  I am pretty sure that the only morel look alike is the false morel, but that should be squat and not hollow.  This mushroom stands about 5" tall but I realize morel size is subjective. So any shroomies out there? And if it is a morel.... seriously? It's all by itself in the bark next too my mother's house in the middle of the city.

What a weird spring.


  1. I have no idea, but it definitely is a cool looking shroom!

  2. I've always wanted to learn which mushrooms are tasty, and which will kill you! One of these days I'll try to take a class or learn. Always fun to forage for food in the wild...

  3. meemsnyc- It is pretty funky looking huh?

    Tommy- Me too! They have a class in the fall and spring around here, but I always find it's full or I just can't attend. I need a mushroom mentor! LOL!

  4. Definitely looks like a morel.

  5. It is indeed a morel. Although it looks like it is old. black morels are basically the yellow morel when it first pops up. Its the optimum time to get them unfortunately they are small and hard to see and grow very fast. but you can harvest them into the yellow stage. When they get old they dry out along the edges and turn black again. not very tasty at that stage. False morels are not hollow inside but rather have hollow chambers so they are pretty easy to distinguish.

    A good place to look for morels is in areas that have burned recently. Old orchards are good also. best time to look is just after the peaches bloom or about late April early May.

  6. johnnydesoto- I thought so, it was WAY past eating though, kinda squishy and not at all "mushroom" like. Thanks for the timing tip, I'll keep my eye out next spring.
