This is mom planting garlic.
Our garlic cloves all broken up and ready for planting. This lovely garlic is Lorz Itialian.
The garlic must be heavily mulched or it will get "winter kill" so this layer of stuff will protect the ground from freezing. This is 2+ inches of shredded paper followed buy about 4 inches of hay. We wanted to do leaves but have yet to get any.
The girls in the garden.
This is the final product. Two beautiful rows of planted and mulched garlic. See what I mean about mounding the soil up to create raised beds. I am sure it will make more sense when we have the whole garden finished. However that is ALOT of soil to move and we love our backs, so we're taking it slowly.
I found this little guy/girl when I was getting the hay out to cover the garlic. Aren't praying mantis's cool?
Hey, thanks for the directions! We just bought a ton of garlic from the farmer's market and I am getting ready to plant it. I also shred everything and use it as mulch. We even tear up cardboard (not plastic coated though) and toss that in the composter. I do the square foot gardening method in stead of hills because it's less to weed, feed and water. Cool blog! Glad I found it!!