03 July 2012

The chicken situation

I was worried a few months ago about what would happen when Shinny went broody, how would Curious react. Would she go around "bawgawking" waiting for someone to answer her? As it turns out she didn't do anything bad, she was her calm quiet self, she kept Shinny company during the day. I never did get a picture of it, but Curious would roost as close to the nest box as she could and hang out with her broody friend. It was really very sweet. Shinny went broody for the entire month of May and about 2 weeks ago she started again.

 I have a farmer friend who has a rather large flock of chickens, I called him up and explained my situation. He suggested we bring Shinny to his house so that she can run with a rooster and have the chance to hatch some babies. We agreed to trade, so I went outside and grabbed Shinny off the nest box and put her into a basket and drove over to my farmers house. I set my broody chicken onto a nest box and she seemed rather dazed, I can only imagine it was quite the shock. Broody hens always have this dazed look about them though. I digress... I picked out 2 chickens and paid for one of them.

The black/orange small kid is a Campine chicken or a Hamburg we're not sure. She has her wing clipped because she is a good flyer. I think they are more of an ornamental chicken, however she has laid the last two days, we'll see if she lays today. They are decent sized white eggs. The black/grey girl is a easter egger (EE) mutt. She has some of the characteristics of an EE like the beard but she doesn't have a rose comb. So I'm not sure what she is. Her eggs are a decent size and a soft brown/pink in color.

So far they are both extremely quiet, neither one has "sang" after they lay, which is awesome. Curious seems to be coping well, she tries to bully them but since they were with a large flock and a rooster the new girls are used to dodging attacks. Both of them are very shy and not at all apt to let me handle them, which is ok. Hopefully the Campine chicken will not become an escape artist. Only time will tell.

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